
Papers and preprints


Kenny, C. J., McGurk, M. P., Schüler, S., Cordero, A., Laubinger, S., & Burge, C. B.

LUC7 proteins define two major classes of 5' splice sites in animals and plants.

Nature Communications, 16, 1574


Mangilet, A. F., Weber, J., Schüler, S., Adler, M., Mjema, E. Y., Heilmann, P., Herold, A., Renneberg, M., Nagel, L., Droste-Borel, I., Streicher, S., Schmutzer, T., Rot, G., Macek, B., Schmidtke, C., & Laubinger, S.

The Arabidopsis U1 snRNP regulates mRNA 3'-end processing.

Nature Plants 10, 1514–1531


Mangilet, A.F., Weber, J.,  Schüler, S., Droste-Borel, I., Streicher, S., Schmutzer, T., Rot, G.,  Macek, B. and  Laubinger, S.

The Arabidopsis U1 snRNP regulates mRNA 3’-end processing

bioRxiv 31, 4810–4816.e5.


Zhang, R., Kuo, R., Coulter, M., Calixto, C. P. G., Entizne, J. C., Guo, W., Marquez, Y., Milne, L., Riegler, S., Matsui, A., Tanaka, M., Harvey, S., Gao, Y., Wießner-Kroh, T., Paniagua, A., Crespi, M., Denby, K., Hur, A. B., Huq, E., Jantsch, M., Jarmolowski, A., Koester, T., Laubinger, S., Li, Q.Q., Gu, L., Seki, M., Staiger, D., Sunkar, R., Szweykowska-Kulinska, Z., Tu, S.L., Wachter, A., Waugh, R., Xiong, L., Zhang, X.N., Conesa, A., Reddy, A.S.N., Barta, A., Kalyna, M. and Brown, J. W. S.

A high-resolution single-molecule sequencing-based Arabidopsis transcriptome using novel methods of Iso-seq analysis

Genome Biology  23:149 doi: 10.1186/s13059-022-02711-0.  


Wang, K., Chen, H., Ortega-Perez, M., Miao, Y., Ma, Y., Henschen, A., Lohmann, J. U., Laubinger, S. and Bayer, M.

Independent parental contributions initiate zygote polarization in Arabidopsis thaliana.

Current Biology 31, 4810–4816.e5.

Siadjeu, C., Mayland-Quellhorst, E., Pande, S.,Laubinger, S. and Albach, D.C.
Transcriptome Sequence Reveals Candidate Genes Involving in the Post-Harvest Hardening of Trifoliate Yam Dioscorea dumetorum
Plants doi: 10.3390/plants10040787

Szabo, E.X., Reichert, P., Lehniger, M.-K., Ohmer, M., de Francisco Amorim, M., Gowik, U., Schmitz-Linneweber, C. and Laubinger, S.
Metabolic labeling of RNAs uncovers hidden features and dynamics of the Arabidopsis transcriptome
Plant Cell doi:
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Einwich, A., Dedek, K., Seth, P. K., Laubinger, S. and Mouritsen, H.
A novel isoform of cryptochrome 4 (Cry4b) is expressed in the retina of a night-migratory songbird.
Scientific Reports, 10(1), 15794.

Karaaslan, E. S., Wang, N., Faiß, N., Liang, Y., Montgomery, S. A., Laubinger, S., Berendzen, K. W., Berger, F., Breuninger, H., and Liu, C.
Marchantia TCP transcription factor activity correlates with three-dimensional chromatin structure.
Nature Plants, 10.1038/s41477-020-00766-0.

Wang, K., Chen, H., Miao, Y., Ma, Y., Henschen, A., Lohmann, J.U., Laubinger, S., Bayer, M.

Independent parental contributions initiate zygote polarization in Arabidopsis thaliana

bioRxiv , doi:

Szabo, E.X.,Reichert, P., Lehniger, M.-K., Ohmer, M., de Francisco Amorim, M., Gowik, U., Schmitz-Linneweber, C. and Laubinger, S.
Metabolic labeling of RNAs uncovers hidden features and dynamics of the Arabidopsis thaliana transcriptome
bioRxiv doi:

Speth, C.,  Szabo, E.X., Martinho, C.,  Collani, S., zur Oven-Krockhaus, S., Richter, S., Droste-Borel, I., Macek, B., Stierhof, Y.D.,  Schmid, M., Chang, C. and Laubinger, S.
Arabidopsis RNA processing factor SERRATE regulates the transcription of intronless genes
eLife doi: 10.7554/eLife.37078
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de Francisco Amorim, M., Willing, E.M., Szabo, E.X., Francisco-Mangilet, A.G., Droste-Borel, I., Macek, B., Schneeberger, K. and Laubinger, S.
The U1 snRNP subunit LUC7 modulates plant development and stress responses via regulation of alternative splicing.
Plant Cell doi: 10.1105/tpc.18.00244
Capovilla, G., Delhomme, N., Collani, S., Shutava, I., Bezrukov, I., Symeonidi, E., de Francisco Amorim, M., Laubinger, S., and Schmid, M.
PORCUPINE regulates development in response to temperature through alternative splicing.
Nature Plants doi: 10.1038/s41477-018-0176-z

Rausch, S. and Laubinger, S.
Rapid Assessment of DNA Methylation Changes in Response to Salicylic Acid by Chop-qPCR.
Methods in Molecular Biology 1398, 345 - 356
Kaster, M. and Laubinger, S.
Determining Nucleosome Position at Individual Loci After Biotic Stress Using MNase-qPCR.
Methods in Molecular Biology 1398, 357 - 372

Laubinger, S.
MicroRNA transcription and processing: Elongator caught in the act.
Nature Plants  ​doi:10.1038/nplants.2015.76

Speth, C., Toledo-Filho, L. A. and Laubinger, S.
Immunoprecipitation-based analysis of protein-protein interactions.
Methods in Molecular Biology 1158, 175-185
Speth, C. and Laubinger, S.
Rapid and parallel quantification of small and large RNA species.
Methods in Molecular Biology 1158, 93-106
Speth, C. and Laubinger, S.
RACK1 and the microRNA pathway: Is it deja-vu all over again?
Plant Signaling and Behavior 9 pii: e27909

Speth, C., Willing, E.M., Rausch, S., Scheeberger, K. and Laubinger, S.
RACK1 scaffold proteins influence miRNA abundance in Arabidopsis
The Plant Journal 76, 433-445.
Schwab, R., Speth, C., Laubinger, S., and Voinnet, O.
Enhanced microRNA accumulation through stemloop-adjacent introns
EMBO Reports 14, 615-621

Manavella, P.A., Hagmann, J., Ott, F., Laubinger, S., Franz, M., Macek, B., and Weigel, D.
Fast-forward genetics identifies CPL phosphatases as regulators of plant miRNA processing.
Cell 151, 859-870.

Sonmez, C., Bäurle, I., Magusin, A., Dreos, R., Laubinger, S., Weigel, D., and Dean C.
RNA 3' processing functions of Arabidopsis FCA and FPA limit intergenic transcription.
PNAS 108, 8508-8513.
Eichner, J., Zeller, G., Laubinger, S., and Rätsch, G.
Support vector machines-based identification of alternative splicing in Arabidopsis thaliana from whole-genome tiling arrays.
BMC Bioinformatics 16; 55.

Laubinger, S., Zeller, G., Henz, S.R., Buechel, S., Sachsenberg, T., Wang, J.W., Rätsch, G., and Weigel, D.
Global effects of the small RNA biogenesis machinery on the Arabidopsis transcriptome.
PNAS 107, 17466-17473.
Fahlgren, N., Jogdeo, S., Kasschau, K.D., Sullivan, C.M., Chapman, E.J., Laubinger, S., Smith, L.M., Dasenko, M., Givan, S.A., Weigel, D., and Carrington, J.C.
MIRNA Gene Evolution in Arabidopsis lyrata and Arabidopsis thaliana.
Plant Cell 22, 1074-1089.
Rehrauer, H., Aquino, C., Gruissem, W., Henz, S. R., Hilson, P., Laubinger, S., Naouar, N., Patrignani, A., Rombauts, S., Shu, H., Van de Peer, Y., Vuylsteke, M., Weigel, D., Zeller, G., and Hennig, L.
AGRONOMICS1: A New Resource for Arabidopsis Transcriptome Profiling.
Plant Physiology 152, 487-499.

Zeller, G., Henz, S., Widmer, C. K., Sachsenberg. T., Rätsch. R., Weigel, D. and Laubinger, S.
Stress-induced changes in the Arabidopsis thaliana transcriptome analyzed using whole genome tiling arrays.
The Plant Journal 58, 1068-1082.

Laubinger, S., Sachsenberg, T., Zeller, G., Busch, W., Lohmann, J.U., Rätsch, G. and Weigel, D.
Dual roles of the nuclear cap-binding complex and SERRATE in pre-mRNA splicing and microRNA processing in Arabidopsis thaliana.
PNAS 105, 8795-8800.
Laubinger, S., Zeller, G., Henz, S.R., Sachsenberg, T., Widmer, C.K., Naouar, N., Vuylstele, M., Schölkopf, B., Rätsch, G. and Weigel, D.
At-TAX: a whole genome tiling array resource for developmental expression analysis and transcript identification in Arabidopsis thaliana.
Genome Biology 9, R112.
Zeller, G., Henz, S. R., Laubinger, S., Weigel, D., and Rätsch, G.
Transcript normalization and segmentation of tiling array data.
Pac. Symp. Biocomput. 12, 527-538.
Zhu, D., Maier, A., Lee J.-H., Laubinger, S., Saijo, Y., Wang, H., Qu, L.-Y., Hoecker, U., and Deng, X.-W.
Biochemical Characterization of Arabidopsis Complexes Containing CONSTITUTIVELY PHOTOMORPHOGENIC1 and SUPPRESSOR OF PHYA Proteins in Light Control of Plant Development
Plant Cell 20, 2307-2323.

Laubinger, S., Marchal, V., Le Gourrierec, J., Wenkel, S., Adrian, J., Jang, S., Kulajta, C., Braun, H., Coupland, G., and Hoecker, U.
Arabidopsis SPA proteins regulate photoperiodic flowering and interact with the floral inducer CONSTANS to regulate its stability.
Development 133, 3213-3222.
Fittinghoff, K., Laubinger, S., Nixdorf, M., Fackendahl, P., Baumgardt, R.L., Batschauer, A., and Hoecker, U.
Functional and expression analysis of Arabidopsis SPA genes during seedling photomorphogenesis and adult growth.
The Plant Journal 47, 577-590.

Laubinger, S., Fittinghoff, K., and Hoecker, U.
The SPA quartet: a family of WD-repeat proteins with a central role in suppression of photomorphogenesis in Arabidopsis.
Plant Cell 16, 2293-2306.

Laubinger, S., and Hoecker, U.
The SPA1-like proteins SPA3 and SPA4 repress photomorphogenesis in the light.
The Plant Journal 35, 373-385.

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